dkt Interviewed by Fnatic

Recentely, coL's Brian "dkt" Flander was announced as the latest competitor at the ESL Global Finals in Hannover, Germany. Fnatic has interviewed Brian about this announcement and his plans for ESL. Below is an excerpt from the interview:

How did you feel when you were asked to be a substitute for prozac?

Extremely happy. I played very well at QuakeCon and Dreamhack (with the exception of 1 map vs z4muz), so when I did poorly at Edmonton, I was actually pretty shocked I lost to vo0 and griffin, especially after all the practice games results online before the event.

Do you feel you have had enough time to prepare for the finals?

I never stopped playing after Edmonton, so yes, I am prepared. However, I was using 120hz, because I wasn't expecting to go to Germany, so I'll have to use this next week to get used to 75hz on the monitor.

Did you do any special (or do you plan on doing) kind of bootcamping with any players?

Unfortunately, with such short notice I wasn't able to make any arrangements. I think all of the other Americans are arriving early, so I'll be home playing guys like tehnewbz, zero4, vamp1re, sparks, so I should get good practice.

The full interview can be found at

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