dkt Retires

For years, Brian "dkt" Flander has been at the focal point of the gaming community, playing in hundreds of tournaments, with thousands of matches across a variety of games. Today, Brian has officially announced his retirement via his blog on our site.

In his blog, Brian states that he will continue to play Quake Live, however it will be in a casual nature. He also plans to continue his DKT brand and has plans to start a gaming league in the future.

Below is an excerpt from the blog:

My wife and I are going to have a child around May 3rd. So I am officially hanging it up. Will I keep playing? Of course, I will ALWAYS be a gamer. I will still try to attend QuakeCon, but attending other events, especially out of the country, is just not going to happen. I'm planning on playing the WoW expansion as well and any other MMORPG that ever manages to be good. (Too many have tried and failed.)

We would like to wish Brian the best of luck as he takes the next step in his life. The original blog post can be found by clicking here.

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