DreamHack Summer '10 Groups

DreamHack Summer 2010 is just around the corner and is scheduled to kick off on June 19th till the 22nd with an intense prize purse of €12,700 and along with diffrent hardware prizes as well. With sixteen teams participating in groups of four, the teams were officially announced not too long ago.

Below are the teams that will be at DreamHack Summer 2010 event. Stick to compLexitygaming.com as we bring you the finals breakdown of the event.

Group A Group B
fnatic Natus Vincere
Fair Frag Meet Your Makers
Team TBA
Team TBA

Group C

Group D
SK Gaming mTw
Concode H2k-Gaming
DarkPassage Antwerp Aces
Team TBA Team TBA

Source: HLTV.org

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