Dreamhack's Quake Live Registration Opens

Dreamhack, the self-proclaimed "World's Largest Digital Festival," has opened registration for its Quake Live tournament for their upcoming Winter event. Taking place November 26-29, Dreamhack will host tournaments across multiple games in Jonkoping, Sweden.

For their Quake Live event, the following information was released on their website, with more detailed information to be released at a later time.

- DM6 - Campgrounds Redux
- DM13 - Lost World
- Tourney7 - Furious Heights
- Tourney9 - House of Decay
- Ztntourney1 - Blood run

- 2 slots in the tournament is reserved for our Qualifications in South Africa and Serbia
- Due to limited slots in the tournament DreamHack will choose players based on performance in previous tournaments.
- The latest official release of QUAKE LIVE, always available at www.quakelive.com will be used for the tournament.
- All matches except the final will be played in a best of three (3) maps format. The player who reaches two maps won will be declared winner of the match. The final will be played in a best of five (5) maps format.
- Default QUAKE LIVE gameplay settings will be used, including 10 minutes timelimit and 2 minutes overtime periods.

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