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Today the TF2 developers over at released a new blog. The blog updates fans on a recent TF2 update on the 119th update badge. The update released on the 29th of March, gave TF2 fans the ability to wear three different badges, depending on how long they have been playing Team Fortress 2 since its release on October 10th, 2007.
Today's small update goes to all the beta testing personnel, prior to release. The" Primeval Warrior" badge will replace the badge of anyone who purchased TF2 prior to the official release date.
We initially chose to calculate which badge to give players based on the beta release of TF2, because that was the date that customers could first play TF2. This turns out to have been a mistake, largely because many players did the math and thought they were getting something other than what they ended up with. So to remove that confusion, this new update moves that date forward to the official retail release of TF2, the 10th October 2007, and reissues updated badges to anyone who would be affected by that date shift.
And, if you did not hear, the Engineer Update is coming soon! Check out the video here.