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Epileptic Gaming is back with a vengance and you can find it on the compLexiTV Network.
Join us tonight, Friday Feb. 6th for the 161st episode of the self-proclaimed “Best Video Game Show EVER!”, Epileptic Gaming. Tonight the hosts djWHEAT, Force, and NiceGuyEd hit up the News of the Week, discuss some new games looming on the horizon, and take your calls about anything and everything in the video game industry.
You can watch tonight’s show right here on beginning at 6PM EST with Music & Pre-Show. Episode #161 will go LIVE at 7PM EST.
Tonight on Episode #161:
- News of the Week - EA’s Losses, PS3: Good & Bad, & More…
- GAME-TALK: Halo Wars DEMO, Fable 2, iPhone Goodness
- Open Phones
You can always watch CTN here or stop by the show page ( Friday @ 7PM EST for a front row ticket to another chapter in the history of the long running Epileptic Gaming!
Podcast and VOD’s will be available the next day (Saturday) check back to for updates.
Recorded Episode: