ESEA Announces Invite Teams

ESEA has announced the teams that will be participating in the upcoming Invite seasons for Counter-Strike 1.6 and Team Fortress 2. These teams will be battling it out for $5,000 for 1.6 and $1,300 for TF2. The Invite Finals for 1.6 will also be held on LAN again for the top six teams.

CS 1.6 Invite Teams:

United States compLexity
United States Evil Geniuses
United States Gravitas Gaming
United States eMazing Gaming
United States Back 2 Back
United States Blight Gaming
United States Area 51
United States Fujita 5
United States Blight Canada
United States d1versity
United States Exigent
United States 9Storm

TeamFortress 2 Invite Teams:

United States EG.TF2
United States 20ID
United States Loaded
United States Area 51 Gaming
United States Strickland Propane
United States pureEsports
United States Hostile Faction

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