ESEA Announces S6 TF2 Teams

ESEA has recentely announced the 7 of the 8 competitors that will participate in Season 6 of the ESEA-Invite TF2 Division. ESEA has also announced that the 8th team will be selected via a community vote. Below is the official release from ESEA:

For Season 6 we're trying something new (and kind of fun) for all Invite divisions. We'll use our methods, madness, and bias to pick all but one of the Invite spots and we'll let you get the last word by picking the final spot. For Team Fortress 2 Invite we've picked the following seven teams (in no particular order):

Area51 Gaming
eMazing Gaming TF2
Our World Now

The following is a list of teams that didn't quite make our original list but, by sucking up to all of you, can secure the final Invite spot:

Apocalypse Gaming

The poll will run for 48 hours at which point we'll announce the final spot and begin the CS 1.6 Invite selection process. Click here to vote.

For more information, click here

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