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Earlier today, the ESEA announced their plans to move ahead with the offering of the ESEA service to Latin American based clients. In addition to already offering services to Europe, ESEA will be expanding to include Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, and Venezuela in Latin America.
Although the service will not feature South American based game servers, servers will be available in Southern California, Texas, Georgia, Virginia, and New York.
Below is the official release from ESEA:
I'm very pleased to announce that after spending the last few weeks working with representatives from Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, and Venezuela that we're ready to take the wraps off ESEA Latin America - We understand the frustration and tension that can develop due to the language and latency barriers, and also realize it is entirely a two way street -- they share the same frustrations as many of you from the US and Canada.
To kick things off, we're going to be promoting the website and encouraging our Latin American users to post and interact in their native language and with fellow gamers from their own and neighboring countries. Due to the lack of gamer-friendly internet in many Latin American countries, we're going to initially aim to have dedicated servers in Southern California, Texas, Georgia, Virginia, and New York. When users from Latin America login to the Client they'll see servers from their own region by default, and vice-versa for our North American customers.
I want to make clear that we're not blocking or restricting anyone from playing anywhere, we're simply creating better environments that users will naturally want to play in.
We understand the difficulties (like paying $17.00 USD a month on the black market for Premium) many users in Latin America have when attempting to purchase Premium and are currently working on local payment options. Until then, we've come up with a solution where monthly statistical prize leaders will receive multiple free ESEA Premium codes that they can use for themselves, give away, or resell to fellow gamers in their country. We're also working to locate and cultivate relationships with local gaming product merchants which will allow us to provide product prizes in the future.
This is by no means a singular effort. It is the beginning of an ongoing mission to both grow ESEA internationally as well as improve the competitive gaming scene in Latin America. We will be meeting weekly with representatives from each country to ensure all concerns are addressed and your voices are heard.
For the Spanish version of this announcement click here.
The official announcement can be found by clicking here and the Spanish version can be found by clicking here.