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Tonight ESEA adds another site to the ESEA Network. The new site, called ESEA News will be providing us, the community, with all the gaming coverage we need.
From day one the goal of ESEA News has been about providing the best coverage possible. Too often gaming sites get lost in the minutiae of what they’re doing. Thumbnails, lists, movies, blogs, and betting all distract from what the focus of the site should be, the sport of gaming. With that in mind we created this site making sure covering eSports was front and center. We are firmly committed to bringing you all of eSports, and not being one big advertisement for ESEA. I’m really happy to say that this is the website I have always wanted to run. - Mark “jESUIT” Cheben
You can read the full press release here.
One of the first articles to be released on the site is an interview with our very own Drew "Irukandji" Timmerman.
At DreamHack Winter you guys were able to take third place with wins over SoA, k1ck and Millenium. How was that experience in terms of helping your team in future international tournaments?
iIt gave us a good taste of what to expect from some international teams, but we weren't able to take down the top-tier European teams so we still lack experience in that department. I think, however, it has to help us for Germany as it basically doubled our collective experience versus international teams in an international setting.
In recent months it seems that you guys have fallen off the wagon, with an out of character ESEA season as well as being dominated by EG at the American Finals. To what do you contribute these poor performances and what steps have you taken to improve upon them?
I think we got a bit complacent after Dreamhack Winter as we didn't get that much practice in before the IEM American Finals due to a lot of our players having final exams that week. The online losses I guess I'd contribute to us taking a break for the holidays, but more than anything I'd say EG became a stronger team and simply beat us straight up, no excuses.
You can read the rest of the interview by heading on over to ESEANews.