ESL To Release New Anti-Cheat

According to the ESL website, their new Anti-Cheat has reached the release-candidate stage after a closed beta of the software proved to be successful. A release candidate includes all of the final features and functions of the final piece, however it may still include several bugs that will be found from public testing. The ESL currently utilizes the ESL Aequitas Anti-Cheat, though a failed development for its second stage has resulted in a halt on the project.

Currently, the ESL is using a group of 150 testers in a closed BETA to discover bugs and "kinks" in the software. The testers are evaluating the software for any potential issues such as FPS drops, connection spikes or performence drops.

According to the ESL:

During the next few days we will plan the final "Rollout". This means that we are now planning how to release "ESL Wire Anti-Cheat". Maybe we will have an "Open Beta" phase before we actually start, but there are many reasons for and against doing this. Within the next few days we will again inform you about the current status.

More information about the ESL Wire Anti-Cheat can be found by clicking here.

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