FalleN Interviewed by HLTV.org

HLTV.org sat down with coL.br's Gabriel "FalleN" Toledo prior to the WCG Grand Finals to talk about the event as well as the aquisition of the FireGamers roster by CompLexity. Below is an excerpt from the interview:

What made you accept compLexity’s offer? Did you have other offers on the table?

If there was one word that could answer this question I would say opportunity. At compLexity we are able to play more international events and in our opinion that is what we need. No, there wasn’t another offer and for now I can say I doubt there is another organization that would trust in us like compLexity is doing.

Have you already started looking for an apartment to live and practice in?

We are at Bruno’s place right now. We have 5 computers here and have been spending all our time practicing. When we come back from United States we will start looking for that. We already have an idea of where this is going to be.

Judging from what your team-mates have told you, how similar is compLexity’s support to the one provided by Made in Brazil back in the day?

I’m the only one that has never played for MiBR in our team. I don’t think I can compare this situation because of that. We don’t talk too much about it.

You can read the full interview by clicking here.

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