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The eStars Seoul event has been announced and will be embracing two different Counter-Strike 1.6 events. The first of the two is called the Continental Cup which will be played in a Death-Match style competition. The winners will receive what converts to about $1,000 USD per player. The next event held at the eStars Seoul is a King of the Game which is like a tradition Counter-Strike compeition. First place prize for the winning team comes out to be about $12,000 USD. The event is scheduled to take place July 24th through the 26th. Below is the selection process for the participants.
East: 8-10 Teams
West: 8-10 Teams
Participants: CS 1.6- 6 teams, Warcraft 3: 6 players
Fan Vote: 50% (begins April 20th)
Achievements (08-09): 30%
Committee Evalutation: 20%
The selected teams will be announced June 2nd and will progress to the Continetal Cup and King of the Game competition in July. The total prize pot for the event is around $60,000.
Currently, we are waiting for a full list of invited candidate teams, but compLexity Gaming has received an invitation. Stay tuned for full updates on the candidate selection!