ESWC Prizes Paid Off

In a statement by the ESWC organizers via their website, the organization has announced that all prize money from the 2010 event has been paid to the respective teams.

ESWC had this to say:

In 2010, ESWC made e-sport history, by holding cash prizes under a bank guarantee for the very first time. The ESWC Organizing Committee made all prize payment orders to players & teams within 60 days of the Grand Final at Disneyland Paris.

To ensure prize money for the 2010 event would be paid, ESWC took out a $213,500 bank note from Société Générale Bank. The bank note guarenteed that money for prizes existed and was reserved for that very reason.

Prize money from the 2008 event that has remained unpaid. The G7 organization has threatened to boycott the event if the amount was not paid within the 90 day grace period, but 3 months after the grace period expired, there has been no word from either party regarding the situation.

More information about the ESWC and the upcoming 2011 event in France can be found by clicking here.

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