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It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to Version 4.0 of our website!
The infamous v4, initially announced a couple years ago, has finally come to life. As you can see, it's much more than a team website. We have developed what we believe is the next generation portal for North America. In addition to traditional team news we are bringing the coL Community an entire entertainment package including global news coverage, an online TV network, NoobFlicks videos and social networking. Our goal is to become your "one stop shop" for everything eSports, and our staff will be relentless in its pursuit of excellence in this arena.
Here's what we have for you so far:
compLexity Team Coverage
Our team coverage has been, and always will be, the best in the business. Watch the hardest working gamers in the world every step of the way. From our PG2's to our live video interviews, we'll keep the coL Community in the front row at all times.. because, hey.. that's where you belong.
Global Gaming Coverage
Back in our pre-CGS website 3.0 stage, we were renowned for global gaming coverage although the site wasn't really designed for it. With 4.0 we've solved that issue and have assembled a 'dream team' of management and staffers to bring you the absolute best coverage possible. No, we won't be a Gotfrag overnight. That site took the best and the brightest (yep even you Scoots ;) ) years to perfect. However, we promise you we'll be relentless in our pursuit of perfection and will work extremely hard to keep you up to date if you honor us with a few minutes of your time each day.
Social Networking and Forums
One of our very top priorities has always been to give you an enjoyable place to hang out and talk about gaming. Even if you're not a big coL fan, you're welcome to frequent our forums, fill out your profile and interact with other gaming fans. We have more detailed social networking features under development, but for now enjoy our community and make yourself at home.
NoobFlicks: Watch gaming vids and upload your collection
When developing v4.0, we were adamant about including a streaming video functionality. We searched near and far but simply couldn't find a better option that our friend's (tfg's) site, Lucky for us he was ready to move on to other things, so we purchased the site. NoobFlicks gives the coL Community the best quality game streaming experience on the net because nothing less than the best will do. Props to our friend Daniel Frome for his incredible technology and thanks to him for allowing us to acquire it for the coL Community.
compLexiTV 2.0 - Live Gaming Entertainment Redefined
Ever since compLexiTV-Live was the first team project to bring you live video streaming, we've been dreaming of bigger and better things. Although our new project is still very much in Beta, what we're doing will redefine eSports streaming for years to come. Basically, we're creating an online "TV'" network with some of the most interesting and talented personalities in gaming. Need your weekly fix of DJWheat or Swoozie? Stay tuned.
Just so you know, v4 is currently optimized for FireFox. We're working on tweaking Internet Explorer, but hey.. it sucks.
Please keep in mind that this is only 4 point zero. There are many more features that will be coming on a monthly basis to make your surfing experience more enjoyable. There will also be bugs we need to work through so we ask for your patience while we continually strive for perfection. Post any bugs you find in the Website section of the forums and we'll squash the little buggars.
We'd like to greatly thank IMG. Will, David, Jake and Griffin all worked some serious overtime to put together this monster project in record time. Most top gaming organizations would take 4-6 months to deliver a product of this magnitude. IMG's loyalty enabled us to do it in 4-6 weeks. We're eternally grateful. We'd also like to give special shoutouts to aMies, Digx and Karpov for their dedicated assistance.
As always, stay tuned and check back often because 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 are on the way! Thanks for your support and get ready for 2009.
EV09: Welcome to the Riot.