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Scott "evolution" Cavallero has recently been interviewed by SK-Gaming. Scott discusses his outlook on the upcoming ESEA season, as well as the state of North American CS, including CSProMod. An excerpt from the interview can be found below:
Last week we saw the conclusion of the CEVO-P Grand Finals between coL and EG, after thrashing them on two maps and winning the championship it is clear that your lineup has the potential to be the best team in North America, do you feel that your lineup is more talented than EG or do you feel that EG still holds the North American crown as best team?
Given what they've accomplished in the past so many months and given the fact that we are a new team I would have to say they still are number one. Until we consistently beat them at tournaments both online and on lan only then could I say we are number one. However I believe that them being the number one team also offers us advantages as we continually have hunger and motivation to prove not only to the community but to ourselves that we are indeed a better team.
With the ESEA season starting this week, what are you guys doing to prepare for the season with such short time together as a team? and out of all of the new lineups we see this season who do you believe are going to be the teams that stand in your way of the championship?
We've just been practicing, scrimming, and getting our teamwork and communication down on the 4 basic lan maps that we see every tournament. As far as the ESEA only maps we will probably take them on one at a time a few days before we have to play them. In regards to teams standing in our way of course I'd have to say EG, also teams such as Underestimated, Graffiti and Loaded are all to not be taken lightly.
The full interview can be found at SK-Gaming