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Unfortunately for coL, ESEA didn't start out the way they had hoped as they were defeated on de_dust2 by Immortal-7, along with former coL.cs player, Ryan "Ninespot" Bell. i7 got off to a very strong start, taking the first 7 rounds from coL. The rest of the half was no different as i7 was able to extend themselves to a 12-3 lead. In the second half, the opposite looked to be taking place as coL took the pistol and the following rounds. They were able to bring the score to 12-10 before i7 locked down their defense and took the match by the score of 16-12. Good game to both teams!
Tonight, coL.cs kicks off ESEA-I Season 6 as they take on Immortal7 in their Week 1:2 match. Fresh off their convincing win against EG in the Grand Finals of CEVO only a week ago, coL.cs will be looking to keep the momentum going against the relatively new i7 team, led by former coL.cs stars, Andrew "Irukandji" Timmerman and Ryan "Ninespot" Bell. The match is set to take place at 10:30PM tonight on de_dust2. As always, HLTV will be provided 15 minutes before the match and scorebot will be available in #compLexity.