Fnatic and GuX Part Ways

Just recentely, Fnatic has announced that Rasmus "Gux" Ståhl will be parting ways with the team. Many saw this coming, as GuX and Fnatic were forced to miss Arbalet due to personal reasons on Ståhl's behalf. This leaves the team with a 4 man roster, and only speculation as to who the new 5th will be. Below is an excerpt from the official Fnatic release:

With Rasmus in the team, our Counter-Strike squad became arguably the greatest team of all time, racking up almost 200,000$ and 6 Major titles in one year. They have attended eight major events, winning six of them and having only one placement out of the top two for the entire year!

Rasmus joined us in January 2009, a relative newcomer surprising many who weren't sure if his skills could match the renowned Fnatic players. Over the year, he has proved many wrong and has turned into an allstar of the game. Unfortunately, things don't always work out outside the game as they do in-game.

It was a tough decision, but after much deliberation the team collectively has decided to let him go. It's extremely important for the team to work together for the same goal, and are at all times tight friends outside the game, as well as in-game. Any conflicts cause strife and upsets the rhythm of the teams game. Gux and the rest of the team grew apart towards the latter half of the year, which lead us to our current situation. He is still one of the best players in the world, and will be a great threat for us in the future when he no doubtly joins another team.

Fnatic's Current Lineup

Patrik "cArn" Sättermon
Patrik "f0rest" Lundberg
Harley "dsn" Örwall
Christopher "GeT_RiGhT" Alesund

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