Fnatic Drops WC3 Squad

Fnatic has decided to abruptly release the former Clan Go WC3 squad after nearly a year with the organization. The decision came about after a less than impressive 4th place finishing in a recent event with losses to SK-Gaming and Meet Your Makers. However, during regular season play the team managed to clinche a 1st place finishing, which begs the question -- why the sudden drop?

Fnatic Management stated that the WC3 squad didn't hold up with their end to an agreement, but didn't go into more detail from that point. It has been noted that former Fnatic.WC3 members Min Hyuk "MinHyuk" Jo, Dae Duck "Kei" Yoon and Sung Hyun "Space" Park will more than likely hang up their mouse and keyboards for the time being while the remaining members will continue on with Clan Go in WC3L Season XV.

General Manager of Clan Go had this to say:

"They will continue to compete as a team and from what I know Kei will quit to pursue his university and MinHyuk will go to the army and I have my doubts about Space continuing on with them but, Shy and FoCuS will continue as Clan Go and I will continue to help them till they hopefully find a new organization."

Source: SK-Gaming

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