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A familar face to those that have been around for a long time, makes a return to active Counter-Strike duty. Forumla1 was known back in the day as one of West coast’s toughest opponents in the old days of CAL-invite that faded away after many great seasons but has now remerged with old and new teammates. Well since my run with team Phrenetik I really haven't felt like i've had a place to call home in cs, it's been about a year since ive played competitively, and many more years for the rest of the guys. I feel like we couldn't have picked a better lineup to try and come back with, we all personally know eachother and trust that we can excell. As for kode5 I can only hope we get in enough time to prepare for the event. With all the mainstream teams being announced in North America the competition is only growing and growing.
Brian “Sui” Patrick who has been with the team for quite sometime has decided to ressurect F1 and bringing two former members – Jonny “eng” Faulds and Tristan “Invalid” Bertain, along with him. To fill in the remaining two members, they have picked up Eric “amico” Massimino and Steve “seijim2” McCormick. The team will be competiting in the upcoming Kode5 qualifier.
I had a chance to sit down with amico and asked him how he felt about coming onboard to Formula1 and how he feels about the team competiting in Kode5.
The Formula1 roster is as follows: Brian ‘Sui’ Patrick
Jonny ‘eng’ Faulds
Tristan ‘Invalid’ Bertain
Steve "seijim2" McCormick
Eric ‘amico’ Massimino