FTA Out; BHMS In for MLG Anaheim

Two weekends ago, compLexity, Gotfrag and MLG hosted the MLG Anaheim Wildcard tournament. The winner would get the prestigious shot to represent coL as our second team at MLG Anaheim. Their travel would be paid for and they would get their chance to shine. Unfortunately, the winner of the tournament, "For The Alliance" has announced that they are unable to attend the event. Instead, we have awarded the prize to the runner up of the event, BHMS. Snutz from BHMS had this to say regarding the invitation:

We are very thankful for the opportunity given to us by compLexity! We plan to do well at the event, as long as we practice hard in the next few weeks. We are sorry that "For the Alliance" could not make it and will represent coL the best we can at MLG Anaheim.

coL BHMS Lineup
Snutz - Warlock
Brogo - Druid
Massivez - Death Knight

For more information on the event, click here

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