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Congratulations to Rainman, the winner of the G8 Clothing Contest! David will be receiving a G8 coL Hoodie!
compLexity, in partnership with G8 Brand would like to announce the G8 Clothing Contest!
G8 is currently looking for gamers' thoughts on their clothing line and which products people like the most. This rules of this contest are simple. By visiting the G8 site, finding your favorite piece of non-coL G8 clothing and telling us why it is your favorite, you will be entered to win a CompLexity Hoodie by G8.
1. Visit G8 Site.
2. Find your favorite non-coL G8 Product.
3. Reply to this thread with why it's your favorite. Include a link!
4. One winner will be randomly selected.
5. One entry per person!
The contest will close on Friday, October 2nd at 5PM eastern time. Be sure to get your entry in before then!