G8 Holiday Blogging Contest


Congratulations to the winners of our G8 Holiday Blogging Contest! All three winners will be recieving an Official coL Hat by G8! The winners will need to PM coL-s|aMies on the site to claim their prize. Please include your name, address and size in the private message.

1. Wizard
2. SarahT
3. var1ables

G8 Holiday Blogging Contest

Today, in partnership with G8 Brand Clothing, we would like to announce our G8 Holiday Blogging Contest! Up for grabs are 3 OFFICIAL CompLexity Gaming Hats. In the spirit of the season, we would love to hear what kind of plans that YOU the radicoL's have for the holiday's.


1) Write a blog on this site about your holiday plans or adventures.

2) Post a link to the blog in this thread.

3) On Monday night, we will choose 3 random bloggers as our winners.


Retail Value: $28
Available Sizes: S/M/L/XL

Thanks as always for your support! Enjoy the contest and good luck!

compLexity Gaming: YOUR source for professional gaming news and (contest!) entertainment!

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