Gamers Break World Record

The participants of Cyberfusion’s One Nation Cyberjaya world record attempt for the longest LAN party have succeeded in style. Supervised by officials from Guinness World Records, Malaysia now officially holds the world record for longest LAN party. The event started at midnight on Saturday and ending at 4pm on Sunday with 274 gamers playing non-stop for 40 hours.

Each participant was given a 5 minute break every hour which could be accumulated according the Guinness Officials. While some took the 5 minute break to use the bathroom, others accumulated their time to have a nap.

The previous record for the longest LAN party was at 36 hours. This event was only suppose to beat that record by two hours, but a vote at the 38 hour mark showed organizers that the participants could hold on alittle longer.

Source: Star Tech Central

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