Gaming News At Its Finest!

From the release of our Version 3.0 website has always been a top source for global gaming news. Although v3 was not designed for full coverage our loyal staff made the Community News section a top destination. In that spirit, a major part of Version 4.0 is our global gaming coverage. We feel that 2008 saw the decline in the quality of coverage across many websites. It is our goal to provide you with an objective news source; not biased, not coL centered and not political. We vow to always try our best to keep our news coverage independent and objective and not use it as a political weapon. In practice this may be difficult, but it is our fervent goal and aspiration.

Here's the ammo we've got loaded for 4.0 gaming news coverage:

Gaming News

Our gaming news section is the highlight of our coverage. It consists of the stories that make eSports go 'round. We'll also be including editorials, interviews, product reviews, contests and more. We'll also be stretching the boundaries of traditional coverage with pieces that reach outside the typical eSports bubble and broaden our reach into other aspects of gaming. In addition, we'll be promoting a new era in gaming coverage: a cooperative, collaborative environment that you will notice when we post interesting news from our affiliates like G7, ESEA, Cadred and CEVO. We're not here to monopolize the news, we're here to make sure you have the best possible gaming experience.

Gaming Extras

Gaming Extras continues the nonstop flow of information. Typically called "Community News" we chose our name because we want to expand beyond the traditional "community." Gaming Extras will contain eSports news, gaming news in the headlines, the business side of gaming and more. We think you'll find it to be an interesting read each day.

Newest NoobFlicks

This one is self explanatory. We're very proud to be the new home for streaming eSports videos so here's where you can find your daily fix.

Upcoming Matches / Scoreboard / DemoDepot

This area is one for you, the coL Community. We've designed it so you can upload information about your upcoming matches, your past scores and your demos. We'll keep them safe and sound and even show a few people in the process. If you care about exposure and getting your team to the next level, we've got your back. Make us your new home and build interest and a fanbase for your organization. Everything will be reviewed by staff prior to going live so we can weed out the jokers.

That, our friends, in a nutshell, is our 4.0 package. Remember, 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 are on the way. We sincerely hope you enjoy what we've built and we ask for your patience while we weed out the bugs. Thanks as always for your support.

EV09: Welcome to the Riot.

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