Giant Penis for Redeye & Valve?

Recentely on, Paul "ReDeYe" Chaloner released his weekly series titled ReD's Corner. This weeks article was especially appealing as it hits home to many gamer's. Paul is actually prepared to enter the 2010 Marathon in order to raise money for charity IF Gabe Newell will agree to meet with the Cadred team to discuss Counter-Strike: Source.

So here is what I have to offer. If Gabe Newell agrees to meet with us (the Cadred news team) to discuss Counter Strike: Source, I will enter the London Marathon in 2010, raise a minimum of £10,000 (via donations from Cadred users and Heaven Media’s CEO!) and donate the entire amount to charity. All Gabe has to do is get himself to London for the weekend and meet with us to answer our questions, and for us to then publish them here on Cadred. If it swings the deal, I am also prepared to run the marathon dressed as a giant inflatable penis/Left4Dead2 Character (delete where applicable).

Yes, I am and we are, just that passionate about "our" game that we would go to almost any lengths to have a day to speak to you about it. I am sure there are plenty of other communities out there right now who would do anything for the chance to meet with "Sir Gabe" and talk about their game, but having supported Valve for so long and through so many years, with us now prepared to let one of our own loose on the London Marathon just for others amusement and – of course – charitable gain, how can they can ignore us any longer?

If you ignore this challenge Valve, you are only letting down the children who would benefit from the money we would undoubtedly raise for them but also that of a community who love your games with epic passion. And besides, according to 83% of all Australian gamers* you can walk on water now, so getting over the Atlantic should be a doddle.

To read more of the article and support the cause, click here
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