GOMtv Reveals GSL Up & Down Match Groups

Yestreday GOMtv revealed the groups for the GSL's Up and Down Matches. Comprised of 30 players, (16 from Code A Ro32, 12 from Code A Ro24, and two seeded international players) the Up and Down Matches are used to determine which players will advance to Code S status.

Split into five groups of six players, the groups are:

  • Group A: BBoongBBoong.Prime, ST_Squirtle, coL.Heart, ZeNEX_Avenge, MVP_Keen, SlayerS_YugiOh
  • Group B: FXO_Leenock, SlayerS_GanZI, ST_Ace, MVP_Sniper, oGsInCa, GAMANIA.Sen
  • Group C: Bumblebee.Prime (aka Terious), EG.JYP, Maru.Prime, MVP_sC, oGsTheStC, SlayerS_Alicia
  • Group D: coL. Killer, ST_Virus, oGsFin, FXO_Lucky, SlayerS_Brown, EG.HuK
  • Group E: Creator.Prime, oGsSuperNova, IM_Happy, ST_July, SlayerSBoxeR, 2nd Seed spot

It is important to note that the Taiwanese Zerg player Sen has forfitted his spot, so group B will only have five players in it. Also the player who was suppose to take the 2nd Seed spot in Group E is unable to participate due to injury and GOM will not be filling in this spot with someone else.

You will notice that two of compLexity's newest players, Heart and Killer will be playing in the Up and Down Matches. Be sure to cheer them on when the Up and Down start up next week, Sunday at 4:00 AM EST (3/12 1810 KST).

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