GotFrag/PureTrak Vent Party

Tonight, to celebrate the addition of our new 1.6 squad, our amazing partners at PureTrak have decided to kick-off the inaugural matchup with a vent party in conjunction with Gotfrag and NationVoice! The night is sure to be filled with excitment, as both players and influential members of the community will be joining the fans to participate in commentary, analysis and an overall good time. PureTrak will also be raffling off some mousepads, including the brand new compLexity pads. More information on the prizes can be found below. The details for the event are as follows:

coL vs Grid05 Match Party
Port: 3816
Password: colgrid05

Two (2) PureTrak Gaming Surfaces mousepads designed specifically for Complexity Gaming.

Be sure to grab your spot as soon as the server goes online! Spots will fill up fast and if you aren't in the vent, you aren't eligible for the prizes by Puretrak. The action kicks off at 9:00PM EST!

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