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In a move that has been a rumor for quite some time, SK made it official yesterday, that the team has picked up ex-fnatic star, Rasmus "GuX" Stahl. In making this move possible, SK has released Frej "kHRYSTAL" Sjöström from the team.
In a statement from SK's Counter-Strike coach on their website, Anton Budak states:
The team has collectively made the decision to replace kHRYSTAL with Gux. This act is in no way personal; kHRYSTAL is a fine person and an excellent Counter-Strike player in every way and absolutely a part of the elite. However, it is our impression that Gux is one of the best players in the world at this time; he is a skilled entry fragger and almost always performs impressively well in all situations.
Stahl joins as SK team that is looking to make big strides in 2010, and he will put thrust into action today in a charity event, taking over for an ill Jimmy "allen" Allen. He also offered his thoughts in an interview for SK; below is a short excerpt:
In fnatic you had the chance to play this SK team twice deep in tournaments back in october. What did you think of that SK team and do you see any weaknesses or areas they needed to strengthen that you feel you can help with?
Well I always thought SK was a very strong team especially tactics wise but also I believe they had a hard time adapting to the differentials of other teams, which I hope I can help them with. And also I hope that some of my gameplay will help improve the SK team as I usually try to be the player to open it all up and make it easier for my teammates and that usually makes a big difference.
The full story and interview can be found here.