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The compLexity Family would like to wish Kyle "beef" Bautista a very Happy Birthday as he turns 27 years old today.
Beef has been with compLexity for over three years now as the General Manager (who just so happens to have the golden voice). He has been involved in competitive gaming since 2007, but it wasn't until years later that he put his previous life on hold to pursue a career in eSports. In 2012, after a year of amateur casting and writing, he joined compLexity as a live broadcasting expert and journalist. Since then Kyle has experienced all aspects of live production and traveled the world, working dozens of events as a caster, host, or journalist. In addition to working as an eSports freelancer, Kyle is compLexity's General manager, and is frequently found at team competitions.
Once again, we'd like to wish him a very Happy 27th Birthday.