Happy Birthday Chuuper!

The compLexity Gaming family would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to Sam "Chuuper" Chu as he turns 22 today!

Chuuper long aspired to become a professional League of Legends player, and with compLexity, he finally surrounded himself with a team capable of achieving his dream. While he admits a bit of discomfort with his recent switch to be the team's Mid Lane, his early performances have still been consistently impressive. He enjoys the versatility of his new role in the sense that bruisers, AD casters, assassins and traditional AP carries are all viable considerations. With his versatility serving as a cornerstone of compLexity's strategy, he will have ample opportunities to display his newfound mastery of the position.

Once again, we'd like to wish a very Happy Birthday to Sam "Chuuper" Chu!

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