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The compLexity Gaming family would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to Melania "Gina" Mylioti!
From an early age Gina was introduced to video games. Her family was playing mostly FPS games, so her love for that particular genre is ingrained in her upbringing. As one of the most known and fierce CS competitors she made a mark on the competitive community, as a driven and hard-working streamer she dazzled the Twitch crowd. Gina is a woman of many talents, whether it’s the competition aspect, streaming, designing or being a brand ambassador, the Greek-Dutch lady does it all.
To celebrate her birthday, Melania is running a giveaway where she will be giving away H4X swag and a HyperX headset! Enter today!
Once again, we'd like to wish a very Happy Birthday to Melania "Gina" Mylioti!