Happy Birthday Jericho!

The Sydicate would like to wish Andy "Jericho" Roberts a Happy 24th Birthday today! Jericho has been a coL fan since its conception, and has been on staff now since V4 was released. Below are some Birthday wishes from a few coL staffers:

I want to give a big happy birthday on behalf of everyone from coL, myself, and all of the people that know him. Here is to Jericho! He turns 24 today. Andy has been with coL.staff for around a year and has worked his ass off since day one. If you have ever downloaded a HLTV from our site, you have seen his work. Myself and others like to say he is the best staffer we have becase he works the hardest, it's true.

-Andy "fro" Popkin

Happy Birthday Jericho! Since he has came onboard, Jericho has consistently been one of the hardest workers around. He is always on top of the latest news and coverage from around esports, and ALWAYS the first to score the HLTV IP when it is released. Jericho is infamous for his trout slapping abilities in IRC and has been known to defend the coL name with that skill from time to time. I wish him the best of Birthday's today

-Andrew "aMies" Miesner

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