Happy Birthday swindlemelonzz!

The compLexity Gaming family would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to Kyle "swindlemelonzz" Freedman!

As one of the original HoN competitors swindle was often on the outskirts of success, but over the last three years he has made his mark on eSports. The outspoken, cocky drafter and captain of the stayGreen championship team might be controversial, but he also has a resume to back up his talk. During his HoN tenure he was awarded accolades ranging from Best Drafter to Most Valuable Captain, and the highly coveted 2013 Most Valuable Player award. As the leader of the compLexity Dota team, he continues to make a splash with both his personality and his leadership in-game.

Once again, we'd like to wish a very Happy Birthday to Kyle "swindlemelonzz" Freedman!

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