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The compLexity Gaming family would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to #coLcs's Jaccob "yay" Whiteaker and #coLHS's Tyler Hoang Nguyen!
Jaccob ‘yay’ Whiteaker is one of the new generation of CS:GO players. His first experiences in competitive gaming came in the form of Call of Duty 4 on PC, but he quickly moved to CS:GO. Rising quickly through the ranks, yay is known for his nutty shots and standout performances in ESEA Rank S. Wish him a happy birthday as he competes at his first major!
A fashion photographer turned Hearthstone streamer. A breakdancer turned cardslinger. Streamer Tyler, came from fashion to Hearthstone to make a name for himself. With relentless work ethic and the drive to make a life as a streamer a reality, he’s been putting in the work and is now reaping the rewards. A relaxed atmosphere, high-level gameplay and good commentary on plays is what you can expect in his chat on any given day. Enter for a relaxing time with good music, a calm player and good Hearthstone - Tyler has you covered.
Once again, we'd like to wish a very Happy Birthday to Jaccob and Tyler!