Happy Birthdays!

It's been awhile since we were able to catch up with compLexity birthdays so we wanted to do it now!

It's been a busy week of cake eating in the staff channel. First off, happy birthday to Bruce "eCurb" Drope who turned 23 this week. "Curby" as we love to call him, specializes in our Gaming Extras but also handles other facets of the site.

Also, today our Head of Staff Nick "JetBlk" Shaw turns 19. Nick pretty much keeps everyone doing what they should be and tries not to lose his mind in the process. Running a site like this is much more work than the average person can imagine and we're very lucky to have him on board.

Last but not least, old time compLexity staffer Gabe "Sony" Pinto turns 18. Sony has been with The Syndicate since 2004 and still continues to help with our match coverage.

We'd like to wish our friends HAPPY BIRTHDAY and thank them for all their hard work.

Wish them happy birthday here!

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