Stone Legion Generals
This is a 3 Phase encounter. In Phase 1, you’ll fight Kaal, with Grashal flying around the room throwing bad things at you. Phase 2, the roles are reversed. Phase 3, you’ll fight Kaal and Grashal side by side. Adds will spawn throughout the encounter, and there’s a Prince Renathal event that you’ll need to complete to move into subsequent phases.
Encounter-Wide Abilities
- The following abilities will appear in all 3 phases, and are incredibly important for you to understand and handle properly. Mess these up, and it’s like trying to french fry when you’re supposed to pizza - you’re gonna have a bad time.
Wicked Laceration
- Stacks, hurts, permanent. Deals 2500 Physical/2s. Several mechanics apply this
Wicked Blade
- Kaal throws a blade that bounces between two people. Blade goes from boss, to person 1, to person 2, then back to boss
- Anyone hit, including the 2 targets, takes 11k Shadow and gains 1 stack of Wicked Laceration
Stone Breaker’s Combo
- Grashal periodically casts Crystalize at ONE person
- Channeled ability, deals 3k Nature/s for 5s
- When the 5s channel expires, it explodes in an 8 yard range
- Targeting circle indicates person & radius
- Anyone in the explosion takes 9300 Nature damage
- Removes any Bleed effects on the people hit (Wicked Laceration and Serrated Tear), and also stuns anyone hit for 4s
- The explosion is immediately followed by a Pulverizing Meteor
- Deals 93k Nature damage split evenly between everyone hit, 8 yard radius
- Impact is about 2-3 seconds after the Crystalize explosion
Phase 1
- You’ll be fighting General Kaal in Phase 1, which lasts until she hits 50% HP. While you do this, Grashal will be flying above, throwing bad things at you.
- General Kaal
Heart Rend
- Puts a 36s DoT on 4 people. Deals 3k Shadow/3s
- When removed, whether dispel or expires, applies Heart Hemorrhage
- More potent DoT, deals 6500 Shadow/1s for 6s
- You’ll want to time the dispelling or expiration of this so it does NOT coincide with a Crystalize
- Healers need to keep an eye on these people to keep them up
Serrated Swipe
- Frontal at the current tank, deals 37k Physical damage and applies a stack of Serrated Tear
- Permanent DoT, deals 1500 Physical/1s
- Also increases damage from Serrated Swipe by 50%
- Stacks
- Will eventually force a tank swap so the one with stacks can stand in Crystalize
Hardened Stone Form
- Reduces damage taken by 95%
- Activates when Kaal hits 50% HP, starts the Prince Renethal Event
- Grashal
- While you fight Kaal, Grashal is flying around
- He’ll periodically cast the Stone Breaker’s Combo that you’ll need to deal with
- Also throws out Stone Spikes, just deals 4600 Physical and reduces movement speed by 30% for 8s. Unavoidable, just heal through
- Add periodically spawn to fight you
- A Stone Legion Goliath will periodically spawn while you fight Kaal. During the Prince Renethal event, Stone Legion Commandos also spawn
Stone Legion Goliath
Ravenous Feast
- Leaps at a random target, dealing 7800 Physical damage & stunning them for 4s
- After landing, immediately does a blade flurry thing, 3k Physical damage every ½ second for 4s
- Healers need to keep this person up
Ravenous Hunger
- Dude buffs himself, dealing 75% more damage
- Seemed to cast 30s after spawning
Soultaint Effigy
- At 20%, transforms into a Soultaint Effigy, debuffing the whole raid with a stack of Soultaint
- Decreases healing received by 10% every 1s. Stacks up to 8 charges
- The debuff disappears when the add dies.
- When this dies, he drops a Massive Anima Orb that lasts 15s
- Used for the Prince Renathal Event
- Running over the Orb causes you to pick it up. Infinite duration, so make sure someone picks up the orb.
Stone Legion Commando
Cluster Bombardment
- Throws red swirlies at the ground, just dodge them
- Deals 12k Shadow if you get hit, so just don’t get hit. Ezpz.
- When these die, they drop an Anima Orb that lasts 15s. Also used for the Prince Renathal Event
- Also unlimited duration
- You only directly fight and need to kill these during the Prince Renathal Event
Prince Renathal Event
- Begins in P1 when Kaal hits 50% HP, and in P2 when Grashal hits 50% HP
- He starts at 0% mana, and you need to get him to full mana
- Do this by bringing the Anima Orbs to him. He has a red circle around him, going inside the circle with an Anima Orb transfers it to Renethal
- Smaller Anima Orbs from the Commando’s regen 10% mana
Massive Anima Orbs from the Goliaths regen 30% mana
- If you picked up the Massive Anima Orbs from the Goliaths you got early, they can be dropped off on Renathal here.
- When he reaches full mana, he pops and does 9k Shadow damage to the whole raid and knocks everyone back
- This causes the phase transition
- While you’re doing this part of the fight, Kaal & Grashal continue functioning as they did the rest of the phase. All abilities are still fully active. Need to manage everything AND fill Renathal’s mana as quickly as possible
Phase 2
- This time you fight Grashal, while Kaal flys around
- While Kaal is in the air, she still casts Wicked Blade
- Also throws a small shuriken at people. Deals 2800 Physical, and bounces to up to 3 more players
- Grashaal continues using Stone Breaker’s Combo like in P1
- He also gets a few new abilities
- Stone Fist
- Smash on tank. Knocks them back & deals 31k Physical.
- Also applies a debuff, Increasing damage taken by Stone Fist by 100% for 40s, stacks up to 5 time
- Seismic Upheaval
- Marks several players
- Every 2s for 4s, the marked players have swirlies appear under them
- Swirlies explode after a short amount of time, with a giant rock pillar erupting from the ground then disappearing
- Getting hit deals 7700 Physical damage
- Reverberating Eruption
- Marks random players, then sends a shockwave to them
- Deals 12k Nature damage when hit
- Also applies Reverberating Vulnerability, and leaves a puddle of Unstable Ground where the player was hit
Reverberating Vulnerability causes Reverberating Eruption and Echoing Annihilation to deal 500% increased damage for 45s
- Old Unstable Ground puddles explode when Reverberating Eruption is cast
- Explosion is called Echoing Annihilation, deals 12k Nature damage and applies Reverberating Vulnerability
- Any explosions NOT SOAKED deal 12k Nature to the whole raid
- Adds spawn and work the same as in Phase 1
- Like Kaal, when Grashaal hits 50% HP he goes into Hardened Stone Form, takes 95% less damage
- Like before, this starts the Prince Renathal Event.
- Get Renathal to full mana, and you’ll move into Phase 3
Phase 3 - Unified Offensive
- You fight both bosses together
- They each retain the abilities they had during their respective primary phases
- Kaal functions just like in p1
- Grashaal functions just like in p2
- When one boss dies, the other gains Soldier’s Oath, increasing damage dealt by 200%
- Kill them at the same time. I’m sure you’ve never seen a fight require that one, amirite?
Encounter Mechanics
- Have markers set up going into the fight
- Boss marker near the middle of the room, 2 markers to the left-hand side (looking towards where the bosses start), and one to the right-hand side
- Left markers are for Wicked Blade targets to stand
- Right marker is for Crystalize
Crystalize is cast at 0:39, then every minute.
Wicked Blade
- Targets of Wicked Blade should go stand on the left markers
- Everyone else in the raid needs to make sure they aren’t in the way of the Blade
- Melee needs to be especially careful of this
- The time between being picked for Blade and it actually being thrown is relatively short, so you need to move quickly
- If one person messes this up, you could end up with a bunch of extra Lacerations. Not gonna have a good time with that.
- In general, anyone with a Bleed should be in the Crystalize
- For the Pulverizing Meteor, you’ll want to ensure at least 4-6 people soak to split the damage. More is not a bad thing.
- Anyone who gets hit by Crystalize will also be hit by the Meteor
- Healer CDs help the Meteor soaks a LOT, since it’s a lot of damage on the affected people in a short amount of time
Phase 1
- Tank Kaal near the middle of the room
- Tanks will need to swap as Crystalize is cast. Serrated Swipe is cast about every 20ish seconds, give or take. It’s a lower-ranking ability in the boss’s priority, so it can get pushed back a bit.
- Make sure to use AM for the first Serrated Swipe you take, and an actual cooldown for the 2nd. If you get a 3rd Slash, use another CD and call for an external
- Ranged + healers should be loosely spread. Not too far, but loosely spread will help prevent multiple people from being hit by a Goliath’s Ravenous Feast at the same time
- About 10s after the encounter begins, a Goliath spawns.
- They seemed to cast Ravenous Hunger on themselves after 30s
Goliaths will continue spawning about every 1:15
- Healers need to spot heal the target of the Feast + the flurry so they don’t die. This just deals a ton of damage quickly, especially after the Goliath is buffed with Ravenous Hunger
- You’ll likely want to try and kill Goliaths before the Hunger is cast
- When the Goliath hits 20% and casts Soultaint Effigy, all DPS should hardswap and blow it up asap
- Healers need to be keenly aware of the Heart Rend. The base DoT isn’t too scary, but the Hemorrhage can easy kill someone
- Also need to be extremely aware of the Goliath. Their Ravenous Feast + frontal can quickly kill someone, so make sure you’re paying attention & spot healing the target
- When Kaal hits 50%, you enter the Prince Renathal Event and get a Commando.
- During the Event, the boss doesn’t take damage, and Commandos start spawning in addition to Goliaths
- Have assigned high-mobility people bring the Anima Orbs to Renathal in the back of the room
- Any Orbs that were picked up from Goliaths can be dropped off here as well, since they have unlimited duration.
- That alone should result in a large amount of mana for Renathal
- You want to make this Event as quick as possible
- As the last Anima Orb is dropped off for Renathal to hit 100 mana, the raid should move towards him. If you’re too close to the edge, you’re gonna go flying off
- Your raid will laugh at you
- Your raid leader will be upset with you
- Tbh it’s kind of funny though
Phase 2
- Use the same boss positioning as P1
- Handle Wicked Blade and Cystalize the same as P1
- Have a pre-set area to drop the circles from Reverberating Eruption
- Ideally, far sides of the room + back of room, but not over top of Renathal
- You’ll need people to help soak old Unstable Ground during every Reverberating Eruption. Cannot soak 2 times in a row
- Need to be careful with this, or the AoE will kill people
- Tanks should swap at 3 stacks of Stone Fist
- In the final testing, this was cast every 20 seconds. The debuff lasts 40s. In that testing, you couldn’t really swap every 2nd without the debuff getting refreshed. May change for live
- Players targeted by Seismic Upheaval need to keep moving, and everyone in the raid should be aware of the location of the swirlies
- This one’s easy, don’t get hit
- Handle the Goliaths like you did in P1. Ranged/heals loosely spread, don’t take extra damage from the Feast, and blow the dude up ASAP once it reaches 20%
- When Grashal hits 50%, you’ll need to complete the Prince Renathal Event again. Works exactly the same as the first time.
Phase 3
- Lust as soon as this phase starts
- Tank the bosses on each other near the middle of the room
- Tank swap when the Grashal tank gets 3 stacks
- Make sure that the tanks are NOT standing on top of each other. Remember, Serrated Swipe is a frontal cone. Don’t accidentally Swipe your tank friend, or you’re gonna have a bad time
- Keep using the same markers for Crystalize and Wicked Blade
- Handle both these like you have been
Reverberating Eruption, Seismic Upheaval, Stone Fists, Heart Rend, and Serrated Swipe work like they did in their own respective phases.
- They all need to be handled how they were previously
- This means there’s a LOT of things going on the whole phase. Fast paced with a lot of stuff
- Biggest things here are to still properly manage the Wicked Blade, Cystalize, and the Reverberating Eruptions
- Remember, the older Unstable Grounds will all explode when Reverberating Eruptions is cast. Make damn sure they’re all soaked, or you’ll probably just wipe
- Not a lot else to say here. This phase is hectic as hell. Just relax, and handle the abilities like you did to get this far
- Blow up the so-called “generals” at roughly the same time, collect your purples, and let’s go fight Dracu…..I mean Denathrius!
Phase 1 & 2
Idea here is to have set locations for the Wicked Blade spots and Crystalize. This’ll help your raid know where to go, and avoid accidentally destroying the whole raid with one of these abilities. This positioning in general can be used P1 and P2. Skull represents the boss. You can see Renathal’s positioning in the back, that’s where you’ll need to bring Anima.

Phase 3
Same basic idea. Skull = Kaal, X = Grashal. Do NOT have them facing the same way. Kaal’s Serrated Swipe is a cleave, do not let the Grashal tank get hit by this.