Written and produced by Crzypck
Special thanks to our consultant: Tagzz
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2 phase fight. P1 is 100-10%, with a hard burn phase for the last 10%.
Before the Encounter
- Your raid clears one Torghast floor to reach Tarragrue, picking up Anima powers.
- Everyone gets to pick 4 Anima Powers you get to keep for the boss.
- They’re all generic, and you should mostly just pick the best throughput ones for yourself.
- Have 2-3 people in the raid take the “Ever-Beating Heart” Anima power, you’ll need it.
Phase 1 Abilities
- Tank smash that deals 83k Physical + applies a 4s stun
- Also increases physical damage taken by 200% for 20s
Chains of Eternity
- Targets a player for 8s
- Throws chain at them
- Deals damage to the first person hit, 20k
- Pulls that person to the boss, 30s stun. Deals 413k damage to you if you reach the boss
Remnant of Forgotten Torments
- Actually 3 similar abilities, with similar effects
Upper Reaches’ Might
- Soak circle on the ground. Increases boss’s Physical damage by 50%
- Can be soaked by players to reduce the potency
- Each tick soaked by a player increases their physical damage taken by 10% for 1.5 minutes
Mort’regar’s Echoes
- Increases boss’s Magic damage by 50%
- Can be soaked by players to reduce the potency
- Each tick soaked by a player increases their magic damage taken by 10% for 1.5 minutes
Soulforge Heat
- Deals 10k Fire damage to the entire raid every 3s
- Can be soaked by players to reduce the potency
- Each tick soaked gives that player a DoT, 2k/5s for 1.5 minutes
Predator’s Howl
- Creates circle around several players, 5 yard radius
- Pulses every 3s for 21s
- Anyone hit by your pulse gets feared for 8 seconds
- Magic effect, dispellable
Grasp of Death
- Targeted DoT against random player, heavy DoT for 40s
Hungering Mist
- Forms several images of itself around the room
- Images then cause a black mist
- Mist explodes after a few seconds, dealing lethal damage
- There are small safe zones, raid needs to stack in the safe zone or people die
- Safe zones are random around the room
Fury of the Ages
- Boss enrages himself, increases damage & haste by 25% for 35s
- Can be dispelled by Tranquilizing Shot, Soothe, etc.
Phase 2 Abilities
Jailer’s Gaze
- At 10% HP, boss casts Jailer’s Gaze
- Increases Tarragrue’s damage dealt by 500% until it dies
- Also removes all Anima powers on the raid.
- The boss ceases all other abilities. You kill him before the turbo-buffed boss kills you.
Phase 1 Strategy
- Tanks should swap after every Overpower
- Raid should move together during Hungering Mist, and stack together in safe spots
- Chains of Eternity is tricky.
- Whoever is targeted needs to run away from the boss
- Remember at the beginning, when we mentioned having 2-3 people get the “Ever-Beating Heart” Anima power? This is why - it makes you immune to stun effects
- Have a pre-assigned person with this “Ever-Beating Heart” stand in the way of the chain, and ensure this person is the one hit
- Since Ever-Beating Heart players are immune to stun, they’ll only take the damage competent, then can run away from the boss. Since you never get pulled in, you don’t insta-die!
- Players debuffed with Predator’s Howl need to move away from the rest of the raid
- Dispel these people if possible
- Healers will need to ensure they’re giving proper attention to people with Grasp of Death
Phase 2 Strategy
- At 10% HP, you lose all your Anima power and the boss absolutely TRUCKS you.
- Immediately pop Bloodlust here
- Your tanks will almost certainly not be able to survive the increased damage
- Instead, you’ll need to kite him around the room. Tanks should just run, using any movement abilities they have to get away from the boss
- Eventually, he’ll reach you, and you will die
- As he eventually reaches and kills people, the next highest person with threat needs to continue kiting
- You’re basically in a race - kill the boss before he’s killed off your raid
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