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Prior to their attendence at the WCG Grand Finals in Los Angeles, California, we sat down with's Bruno Ono to discuss his new home, his expectations for the team and what the team has been doing to prepare for the event. The Portugese version of the interview can be found directly below the English version.
Tell us a little about yourself. What experience do you have with Counter-Strike? Do you play any other games?
My name is Bruno Ono. I'm 23 years old and I've played Counter-Strike since 2002. I think I've had some of the best experiences playing the game. Travelling to different places in the world and being paid to do something you like is awesome and all of the players can probably agree to that. Besides Counter-strike I also play poker. =P
What does playing for CompLexity mean to you?
I guess it was the opportunity we have been waiting for in the past year and a half. Since the financial crisis began, we have been stuck in Brazil. All possible sponsors have been without money and with that we could only play in 2 international events in 18 months. Now we are at global organization and we are confident that we can come back to the top.
In 2006, you were part of the MiBR team that took home the ESWC Championship in Paris, France along with nak, and fnx. What was the key to your success?
The 5 players had a awesome team spirit and the desire of showing the world that we could be at the top too. The passion is back and we have that same desire once more.What did it mean for FireGamers to beat EG in the WCG Pan-American tournament last month?
It showed that even without huge financial support from sponsors, our team was still strong and we can beat any team in the world. Now with compLexity's help we are going to try to be a top 3 team once more.
You have been playing with your current teamate, Renato "nak" Nakano, since 2003, on teams such as sX, g3x and MiBR. What makes him a good teamate? Was the fact that you were always together intentional?
I guess when it comes to being a professional Counter-Strike player, being a good shooter isn't enough. You have to know how to share your life with people from your team, plus you have to trust them. Nak and I have a tremendous amount of trust in each other. Our friendship started even before Counter-Strike. We first met when we were 15 and were teamates on the college soccer team.
What is your most memorable gaming moment?
For sure it was ESWC 2006. However, the beginning of 2007 was great too because we won shgopen with bit in the line-up. We got top 3 in many of the tournaments we played in during that time.
What are you doing to prepare for WCG in Los Angeles?
We practiced a lot. We were all together at my house for 1 week and we practiced 9/10 hours per day. has drawn forZe and i-DX for WCG. What do you think about these two teams?
I'm not too familiar with these teams, as I've been out of international competitions for the past 2 years. But, I already played against foRze and some other Russian teams and I know for sure that it won't be easy, especially on a map like Tuscan. Unfortunately, I've never heard of i-Dx, but they did recently announce that they won't be able to attend because of financial support and being unable to get their visa's.
Which event in the future are you looking forward to the most? What can we expect from
We are searching for some events in Europe that will allow us to bootcamp as a team against some of Europe's best teams. What can you expect from us? A team that has been together for 4 years and has the same desire to win that we had in our golden years.
Any shoutouts?
I would like to thank compLexity for the opportunity and also I'd like to give a shoutout to our great sponsors, Creative, XFX, QPad, G8 Brand and SoundBlaster.
Fale um pouco sobre si mesmo. Que experiência você tem com o Counter-Strike? Você joga outros jogos?
Meu nome eh bruno ono, tenho 23 anos e jogo cs desde 2002. Acho q as melhores possiveis, conhecer o mundo e ganhar dinheiro com uma coisa que vc gosta de fazer eh a motivacao de todos os jogadores querem. Alem do cs o unico jogo q eu jogo eh o poker :p
O que jogar para o compLexity significa para você?
Acho que era a oportunidade que todos do time estavam esperando a 1 ano e meio. Apos a crise financeira nos ficamos presos no brasil. Todas as empresas estavam sem verbas pra patrocinio e com isso soh conseguimos jogar 2 eventos internacionais em 18 meses. Agora estamos novamente representando uma marca mundialmente conhecida e estamos confiantes que podemos voltar ao topo!
Em 2006, você fez parte da equipe MiBR, que levou para casa o campeonato ESWC em Paris, França, juntamente com nak e fnx. Qual foi a chave para seu sucesso?
A uniao dos 5 jogadores e a vontade de mostrar ao mundo q poderiamos estar no topo tambem! E essa vontade voltou :D:D:D
O que significa para o FireGamers bater o EG na WCG Pan-Americana, no mês passado?
Mostrou que mesmo sem o patrocinio necessario o time ainda continuava forte e que podemos ainda continuava forte e que podemos bater qualquer time do mundo :) E agora com o apoio do col vamos tentar voltar a ser um time q sempre ira jogar os campeonatos buscando o top3 como jah fizemos em anos anteriores.
Você tem jogado com seu teamate atual Renato "nak" Nakano, desde 2003, em equipes como o sX, g3x e MiBR. O que faz dele um bom teamate? Talves o fato de que estiveram sempre juntos intencionalmente?
Eu acho que pra ser um bom jogador de cs voce nao tem q ter soh uma mira absurda, voce tem que saber conviver com as pessoas do seu time e mais do que isso, voce tem q confiar nelas! E isso eu e o nak temos de sobra! A nossa amizade vem antes do cs, nos conhecemos a 15 anos e a nossa parceria vem desde o futebol no colegio hahaha :)
Qual foi o seu momento de jogo mais marcante?
Com certeza foi a eswc de 2006, mas o primeiro semestre de 2007 foi muito bom tambem, comecamos ganhando a shgopen07 com o bit na line e mantivemos o top3 em diversos eventos durante o semestre!
Como vocês estão se preparando para a WCG, em Los Angeles, que começa no proximo dia 30?
A preparacao foi forte! Fizemos uma lan aqui na minha casa durante 1 semana e conseguimos treinar 9 hrs por dia.
O caiu na fase de grupos da WCG com as equipes forZe e i-DX. O que você acha sobre essas duas equipes?
Bom como estamos fora dos eventos internacionais a 2 anos praticamente, posso dizer que conheco pouco sobre os 2 times. Mas jah enfrentei o forze e outros times russos e tenho certeza que nao sera um jogo nada facil principalmente porque vai ser na tuscan! E em relacao ao i-DX eu nunca escutado mas com certeza nao iria ser um jogo facil, fico triste por eles n terem conseguido o visto pro EUA.
Em quais futuros eventos vocês esperam participar? O que podemos esperar do
Estamos de olho em alguns eventos na europa no final desse ano pois alem de disputar os torneios podemos aproveitar e treinar com os times europeus. O que voces podem esperar? Mais do mesmo! Uma line que esta a 4 anos juntos mas muito mais maduros e com mesma vontade de ganhar de anos atras ;)
Algum destaque?
Gostaria de agradecer ao coL pela oportunidade e aos nossos patrocinadores Creative, XFX, QPad, G8 Brand and SoundBlaster.