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We caught up with Eafra to talk about this past year and what he is up to for next year. Eafra finished 4th at WCG USA Nationals right behind his teammate Barmoa.
Hey Eafra, what have you been up to since WCG National Finals?
Hey guys! Since WCG Nationals I've been preparing myself for a career in social media marketing/management. That is, using the likes of Twitter and Facebook to raise a small business' awareness on the internet. I've been working on a couple of projects on the side with that, but currently I am an intern at The internship is a lot of fun but I am looking for an actual job in social media/PR, so I can have a little security.
FIFA-wise, I haven't done much of anything on the PC. I have been playing casually on the PS3, but the game isn't suited for my style of play so I am having a tough time adapting to the styles that are owning me at the moment. Once the New Year hits I will go back to my home platform of the PC and begin training for the year's tournaments.
With FIFA 11 now out and in full swing, what new features do you like the most?
I actually don't like anything about the new FIFA 11 for PC. They made the options and gameplay somewhat similar to console - and everyone knows how much I hate console. Anyway, let's just say I have A LOT of work to do if I plan on mounting a serious championship in 2011.
Just recently we saw Qatar be awarded the 2022 World Cup over the United States. What was the first thing that came to your mind and how do you feel about the decision?
Well you know how big of a fan I am of the game. With that being said, it is an absolute disgrace that FIFA chose Qatar over the USA, England, and Australia. For those of you that do not know, FIFA is sort of run like the United States Supreme Court, with every official getting a vote on the World Cup host country. These corrupt officials were obviously paid for their bids. England was told by 3 different officials that they each voted for them, but when the results came out, only 2 were presented. Australia had 2 different officials tell them they had voted for their country. The results came out, and the Aussies only had 1 vote. That just goes to show how corrupt it is already. I am not saying that USA should have been the country to host the 2022 World Cup, but it should NOT have been Qatar, despite what anyone says.
Qatar has average temperatures of +100 degrees. You try playing a 90 minute game of footy in that heat. Nightlife? Forget it! Go watch the game at the stadiums, which I have to say will be impressive, but after your team wins? Go back to your hotel and take a nap...? There is absolutely NO nightlife there. Why not England? Why not Australia? In my opinion, USA would have been amazing for another World Cup. So would England and Australia. I am not interested in going to Qatar for the World Cup. Footy fans all over the World should feel disgraced by this mockery of the system displayed by FIFA. It's outrageous.
Best moment of 2010?
Germany in September, hands down. Berlin was absolutely amazing and I would like to thank Ryan & Creative as well as Complexity once again for that opportunity. I would LOVE to go back for CeBit. Also would like to thank Fatal1ty and Frank for showing me a good time while I was down there as well as Rony, Lisa, Natalia, Wencke, and Frank's Mutti :)
What are you looking forward to in 2011?
Traveling. Representing Creative and Complexity at promo events is something I love to do. You get to meet a lot of cool people and it's really great to learn about Creative's new products. I am also looking forward to learning all the different styles of FIFA 11. I'm sure the Euros have some crazy, yet effective tactics already.
Any last words to close up 2010?
I just want to say that karma does exists. So make sure you are a little more tolerable of people and don't ever judge anyone. Also, to all of my entrepreneurs out there: make money, but don't for one second let money make you. Cheers to a New Year. Thanks to our sponsors Creative, QPad, XFX and G8. Shout out to my boys dboorn (Derek) and chevy (Gervais), my burgers (Sloatsburrrrrrrg), and of course my Binghamton family - you guys know who you are. And to popcorn (Scott) for giving me this interview!