Interview with Rambo

For our next StarCraft 2 interview we're actually going to do a cross-over piece. Cross-over in that the subject is a Counter-Strike legend, having played for both compLexity and Team 3D. Ronald "Rambo" Kim is no stranger to the coL Community so we thought you'd be interested in learning what he's been up to lately.

Thanks very much for joining us Ron! It's been awhile since we've heard from you. What has been keeping you busy over the past year?

Hi there. Well, I'm still pursuing my dream of playing golf professionally one day, so when the sun is out, you can probably find me at the golf range working on my game. During the evening, I'll be hanging out with my buddies, or pursuing my new hobby of producing music.

Recently you were seen playing for Team WinOut after taking a break from Counter-Strike 1.6. What was that experience like? Was it nice to be back in the CS scene?

After that long break, I had an itch to play competitive counter-strike again. So, when I was approached by those players to play again, I said sure why not. It was a fun experience because the team had some great personalities and a good sense of humor.

In December of last year you told ESEANews that you were no longer interested in investing long hours into the game. Why is that? Are you bored with the game itself or did the long hours catch up with you after all these years?

In order to contend internationally, It takes around 4-6 hours, 5-6 days a week of practice with the team, not to mention the side practice you have to put in to improve your aim. I'm not going to play the game unless I know I can contend for world championships. I stopped having fun practicing, and that's when I knew I didn't want to do it anymore.

Recently you were seen playing StarCraft 2 at MLG Dallas before being forced to drop out due to your status as a staffer. What drew you to the game? What previous RTS experience do you have?

I've always been an avid RTS player. My first PC game was command and conquer. I later transitioned into starcraft, age of empires, and then into WC3 Frozen Throne, becoming a top 10 solo player at one point.

After being an FPS player for so long, was it difficult to transition to SC2? What similarities do the games have? What do you like more about SC2 and what do you miss about 1.6 when comparing the two games?

It was inevitable that I would become a Starcraft 2 player, but I guess that just goes with any game Blizzard produces. The hardest part of transitioning into Starcraft 2 was being able to control my macro. WC3 was more of a micro based game, so in order to play some good starcraft, I had to work hard on my macro and build orders. I miss traveling and competing for world championships with my 1.6 teams. It's always a good feeling to know after winning a tournament, that you are probably the best player/team in the world, until the next tournament. I enjoy the strategy and solo aspect of starcraft2. Win or lose, either you outplayed your opponent or the opponent outplayed you.

Do you plan on making a serious run at SC2 or are you just playing it for fun? For a professional gamer, is there any difference in the training regiment between the games?

I'm playing starcraft 2 for fun. I don't have any aspirations to play it professionally, but I'm always watching replays and tournaments as a fan.

What do you think the future holds for 1.6? Are we finally witnessing the final days of the game or do you think it still has a few years left in it? Do you think CS:Promod will ever be the savior fans are hoping for or is the Counter-Strike series doomed to fade away?

I don't really know what the future holds for 1.6. But, I do hope counter-strike in some version or form will be around. It's just too good of a team FPS game to not have in tournament play.

How long do you invision yourself being involved in eSports? Do you have plans to move away from the scene towards other careers or is it your goal to build a future inside professional gaming?

I can see myself playing video games until my hands stop working. Hopefully before then, I will be able to use my gaming experience and knowledge to establish a career in competitive esports, developing games, or anything video games!

Thanks very much for taking the time to sit down with us! Any shoutouts or final comments?

Thanks for the interview! GL HF!

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