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Former coL player Andrew "Irukandji" Timmerman has recently been announced as the new 5th to the HRG team. Earlier this year, we announced that Drew would be playing for the i7 squad, however the organization closed its doors only a few months ago.
HRG CEO Keven Dominguez told ESEANews:
Picking up Andrew "irukandji" Timmerman should come as no supprise, as a2z, plexxico, and irukandji have played together before, like in the CAL-Invite team iNsurrectioN. This adds a great deal of chemistry to the team. Timmerman will contribute to a new and very strong strategic game play style for the team. It's a very comfortable starting five
This sets the HRG roster at:
Alex "plexxico" Palmer
Andy "icy" Keefe
David "savi0r" Park
Andrew "irukandji" Timmerman
Armeen "a2z" Toussi
Source: ESEANews