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Earlier today at the League of Legends Championship Series NA qualifiers in Santa Monica, our very own Jason "1" Lake was interviewed by ESFI. The interview answered questions about League of Legends, StarCraft 2, the coL Academy, thoughts on the current eSports scene, and compLexity's future.
00:52 – coL Academy LoL team results in LCS NA, expectations for future
02:05 – What is the coL Academy?
03:55 – Helping develop amateur players to the next level and esports development in general
06:40 – How many resources is coL planning to put into LoL as compared to SC2? + Riot Games setting the bar as esports developer
09:00 – EG reportedly about to pick up a major LoL team; does a move like that make coL really want to do the same?
10:55 – Thoughts on the disbanding of Quantic Gaming
12:58 – What steps can coL take to make sure what happened to Quantic doesn’t happen to coL?
15:12 – Closing down the coL gaming house in Houston, Texas
17:10 – coL moving into 2013; re-evaluating SC2 plans and investment; does this have anything to do with why the house is gone or is it just wanting to focus more on getting top players?
19:03 – What are the overall plans for coL in 2013? Any big announcements coming up?
20:40 – Closing wordsESFI