JaX interviewed by Fnatic

Alex' JaX' Conroy was featured in a Motivation article by Fnatic. In all, there were seven people interviewed, all related to pro gaming. Marcus 'DjWHEAT' Graham was also featured. In the article they talked about what motivates people in E-Sports. Here is a snippet of the interview with Alex:

Going from a regular professional CS1.6 team, to the CGS as a GM, then to nothing to call yours, finally to a partnership with Jason Bass and Jason Lake, how did you keep motivated to stay in E-Sports?
I really love competition. Every episode of my career has been different, but all have taught me valuable lessons. I wouldn't want to be doing anything else in the world right now. Being able to manage players, seeing them strive and succeed, is very exciting to me. Every round won is an adrenaline rush, and outside of the game, being able to work with fantastic partners, make this job very enjoyable.

Morale in E-Sports in general is very, very low, how do you and the rest of the coL organization stay motivated to continue on in hard times such as these?
I think morale in most industries around the world is lower than normal. These are the economic times we are in. E-Sports makes sense to me, and to my partners. It is not hard to stay motivated in something you truly believe in and have a genuine passion for. With the help of our great sponsors (Creative, Puretrak, g8) we are able to thrive even in these times.

To read the full interview, head over to Fnatic's website.
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