JBass's 2nd Annual Birthday Bonanza - Winners Announced

JBass's 2nd Annual Birthday Bonanza


Congratulations to Champ, the winner of the "The CompLexity Pro Gamer Package" valued at over $700.

12 other winners were selected to recieve an Official CompLexity Pad by QPAD. The list of winners can be found below. Each winner has been sent a private message. They must reply with their name and address in order for the prize to be sent.


The Contest

Yesterday was Jason "Anomoly" Bass's birthday. In response to the success of last year's birthday bonanza, Jason has decided to make this contest a tradition. With that said, we'd like to announce our 2nd Annual Birthday Bonanza contest where you can win $700 in prizes.

This package is sponsored by Creative, XFX, and QPAD.

The total package is valued at OVER $700!

The rules of this contest are simple yet confusing all at once, so make sure to pay close attention. This is a viral contest so spread it to your Twitter community, Facebook, MySpace etc. The more places you post the link to this article the greater your chance is to win. Each post counts as another entry. (For example, if you post on your Twitter, Facebook and one forum you get three entries.) I don't know about you but I like having a birthday week so with that in mind people will have until October 8, 2010 to enter.

Additional Prize Winners

In addition, QPad is tossing in more mousepads! 10 runners up will receive the QPad CT Complexity Limited Edition. With these additional prizes, everyone has an amazing shot at taking home a prize.

The Rules

- Copy the link to this contest and post it on different sites and social pages that you are ALLOWED to do so on. (We are not trying to get anyone banned here or breaking posting rules. Along with the link say that Complexity is hosting a contest and then post the link.)

- Once you have posted this contest link come back to the Complexity site and post the link to where you posted it in the comments.

- For every time you post the contest link come back to Complexity and make a NEW post on this article.

- The more times you post the more chances you have to win

- This Contest will run for FIVE DAYS and the winner will be selected at random based on the comment section of this article on Friday October 8, 2010 at 6 PM EST

Special thanks to our sponsors for making this all possible.

compLexity Gaming: YOUR source for professional gaming news and (contest!) entertainment!

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