Jinro Voted Non-Korean of the Year

In a poll done by GosuGamers, Jonathan "Jinro" Walsh has been voted the best non-Korean of the year. As one of the crowd favorites in 2011, Jinro beat out Tarson and White-Ra by a wide margin.

The results can be found below:

Jinro 37,8%
Tarson 15,6%
White-Ra 12,2%
Dimaga 9,6%
TheLittleOne 7,8%
HuK 6,7%
Naama 4,3%
Fenix 2,3%
Morrow 2,0%
qxc 1,7%

When interviewed by GosuGamers, Jinro had this to say:

Would you call yourself the best foreigner now? I mean, 4-1 against IdrA, two Korean progaming league semi final placings in a row, and MLG Dallas win. If you set Korea aside, what other trophies do want to win?

- I think its still too early, I dont think Im ahead of the pack to the the degree where Id want to call myself #1, if Im even ahead at all. I just think I have really good support from my team so Im able to overcome really strong opponents who might be lacking some of that support (such as IdrA, and this isnt a diss towards EG, since they are putting together a house in Korea as far as I understand it) I hope WCG has SC2 for 2011, and I wanna do good in there.

The official announcement by GosuGamers can be found by clicking here.

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