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Jimmy "Jumpy" Berndtsson hopped on board with Meet Your Makers in September of 2009 to become their new strat caller. His impact on the team was very apparent after a first place finish at Dreamhack 2009. Jumpy also fell just shy of leading the team to another first place finish after finishing second at EM Dubai.
Jimmy "Jumpy" Berndtsson is calling it quits because he needs to find a balance between his life and Counter-Strike at this time. Jumpy said on the MYM Site:
My performance during the last couple of months has been up and down due to lack of motivation and energy so I felt that my teammates should play with someone who has the motivation and the energy that I don't have.
With the loss of a player always comes a new fresh face. The person who will be replacing Jumpy is Frej "kHRYSTAL" Sjöström. kHRYSTAL will not be coming in as the new strat caller. Instead, Emil "FYRR73" Karlsson, will move up as the teams new in game leader.
The new MYM roster is as follows:
Frej 'kHRYSTAL' Sjöström
Marcus 'zet' Sundstrom
Faruk 'pita' Pita
Emil 'FYRR73' Karlsson
Marcus 'Delpan' Larsson