K1ck Back to Group D

Yesterday we posted that K1ck had filed a dispute with ESWC in regards to their removal from Group D and their placement into Group F along with Na`Vi and CompLexity. The dispute came once it was announced that TyLoo.raw would be unable to attend, leaving Group F with 2 teams.

After consideration from the ESWC tournament officials, it was been announced that K1ck will be moved back to Group D, where they will join their original three opponents.

With Group F only consisting of Na`Vi and coL, the two teams would technically not even need to play each other in order to advance. It is undetermined as to what will happen in this case. We will update you as soon as more information is provided.

Group D

DE Alternate
BA eu4ia
PT k1ck

Source: K1ck Esports Club

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