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This weekend, compLexity League of Legends will be down a man as jungler Ram "Brokenshard" Djemal travels back to Israel for the week. During his absence, Kevin "kez" Jeon will fill the void.
Known for his Lee Sin in Season 2, Kevin 'Kez' Jeon is the current jungler for Cloud 9 Tempest. He favors tanky jungle builds in competitive play, and looks to move that style into the LCS following success in the Challenger Series.
Danan "Kaniggit" Flander, the compLexity League of Legends General Manager had this to say:
We're very excited to announce that Kevin "Kez" Jeon, formerly of Cloud 9 Tempest, will be filling in for Ram "Brokenshard" Djemal for the third week of the LCS. As a close friend of Kez and as the former manager of C9T, it only made sense for me to reach out to my former jungler in order to round out the Complexity roster while Brokenshard is away.
coL.LoL will be taking on both the Curse (Saturday) and LMQ (Sunday) this weekend. More information regarding these matches will become available later this week.