Leipzig Games Convention Ends

Originally scheduled to take place in late August was the annual Leipzig Games Convention. However, it was recently announced by Leipziger Messe who is the Convention's organizer that the convention will not take place this year. The reason for the abrupt cancellation was the German publishers have decided to replace the event with Koelnmesse's GamesCon. Koelnmesse's GamesCom will take place during the exact dates the original event was going to take place -- August 19th-23rd.

Fear not though, the Games Convention will still have an online event that will take place on from July 31st - August 2nd and will feature browser, mobile and client based games. The CEO of Leipziger Messe, Wolfgang Marzin had this to say: "This is a completely new and fully independent product for a market that is adjusting to new business models, setting off along new sales routes and appealing to new target groups. Browser, client and mobile games are on course to becoming a big success story and in that way, the Games Convention Online is like the GC - Games Convention when it first began. We are delighted that as trade fair organisers, we can again accompany this development too."

Source: SK-Gaming

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